Community Event: The Innovation by Design Summit

What is the Innovation by Design Summit?

The Innovation by Design Summit is not your typical innovation conference. This event aspires to be nothing short of an altering experience that will transform. What makes this innovation event unique? We’re celebrating the intersection of innovation and behavioral design. Think, innovation…from a human-centered perspective. We’re making innovation real and applicable to the business community. The purpose of the event is to take corporate, entrepreneurial and university innovation to the next level and fuel the booming innovation scene happening NOW! Corporate innovators, entrepreneurs, students and beyond attending this event will not only be inspired to lead their own innovation initiatives by way of world-class speakers and do-ers, but will have the opportunity to apply what they’ve learned to a real-world design challenge that’s impacting the St. Louis community.

Learn more: view the website here.


“Maritz Announces One-of-a-Kind Event for Midwest Region Celebrating Intersection of Innovation and Design”

Innovation by Design Summit aspires to become the place-to-be for corporate, entrepreneurial and university innovators this fall; Steve Wozniak, Apple co-founder, to headline.

Read the complete Maritz Press Release here.

When & Where
Tue, Sep 27, 2016 - Wed, Sep 28, 2016
St Louis Union Station
St. Louis, MO 63103