Crit Chats

Creating in a vacuum of isolation is tough as we forego necessary parts of the creative process such as brainstorming and personal feedback. To support our working at home creatives, AIGA chapters from Saint Louis, Asheville, and Baltimore are teaming up to provide you with a way to share ideas and get creative feedback from your peers. Meet new people from other cites while enjoying new inspiration and fresh perspectives.


June 16, 6:15 CDT / 7:15 EST

How it works

We'll send you and your group an email with additional details prior to the event

You’ll join a small Zoom breakout room with three other attendees

Each room will be organized by project type (i.e. branding, website design, etc…)

Each participant will get 15 minutes to present and receive feedback from their peers (5 minutes to present the problem and ask for what they want out of the group; 10 minutes for problem solving and discussion/constructive Crit)

When & Where
Tue, Jun 16, 2020 6:15 PM - 8:45 PM CDT