Don’t Smother the Flame

Don't Smother the Flame

66% of creatives report feeling burnout at least once early in their career. When a creative is burnt out, the daily exercises we're tasked with at work become a chore and difficult to manage. Join us for this interactive workshop that helps define the patterns of burnout, educates on ways to set healthy boundaries and identifies how to keep burnout at bay in the future.

Haily Bartlett (she/her):

Haily Bartlett is an award-winning art director and designer working to make the world a happier place through design, workshops and her personal brand of positivity. She creates unique offerings from branding to packaging that helps her clients turn traditionally boring subjects into engaging custom experiences.

When & Where
Wed, Oct 12, 2022 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CDT
Centene Center for the Arts
3547 Olive Street
St. Louis, MO 63103