As a way to support graduating design students during an unprecedented and challenging period of time, design leaders in the St. Louis community have generously offered to schedule virtual meetings with students to discuss the state of design during COVID-19.
These conversations are intended to help build connections in the community and offer opportunities to talk about best practices in preparing for internships, employment opportunities, and working remotely.
Students are invited to reach out to the design professionals and community leaders listed below to schedule virtual interviews. Students are expected to take the lead in setting up meeting links and preparing interview questions. Please also be prepared to share your online portfolios.
The board of AIGA Saint Louis offers our gratitude for this generous support of our students.
Design Professionals Open For Networking
(Email link is in the name)
Billy Frazier
Consultant, Slalom
Buck Smith
Senior Vice President, Fleishmann Hillard
Troy Guzman
Director – Brand & Graphic Design, Arturis
Eric Thoelke
President, Toky
Deanna Kuhlmann
President, KLI, Inc.
Simon Lam
Executive Design Director, 2eCreative
Katy Fisher
Creative Director, Toky
Antionette Carroll
Founder, Creative Reaction Lab
Joshua Rogier
Senior Art Director, Momentum Worldwide
Scott Matthews
Founder/Creative Director, Tremendousness
Will Horton
Information Designer / User Experience at NRG Lab, Washington University
Michael Swoboda
Assistant Professor, DATA/Center for Visual Technology and Graphic Design, St. Louis Community College
Ben Kaplan
Creative Director, 2e Creative